Queen Conch

Queen Conch
Aren't they just gorgeous?

Cool Cousins!

As we all know (I think) the seahorse is incredibly clever. But they also have some cousins that are also incredible as the masters of camoflage. The Leafey Sea-dragon, is covered from head to toe in flakey skin that makes it look like a piece of coral. This makes it hard for predators to spot. The Pipefish, comes in lots of different colours and patterns so that if it stood in a clump of seaweed, it would be difficult to spot. My particular favourite type is the zebra striped pipefish.

Leafy sea-dragon

Leafy sea-dragon
Notice it's leafy 'foliage'

Wednesday 28 December 2011

The Man-o-war Jellyfish

One of the most dangerous jellyfish in the world, the Man-o-war's head floats on the surface of the water.  However, it can submerge itself if needed, neat right?  Its tentacles can grow as long as telephone poles which is considerably useful for catching prey.

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